Katha National Writers’ Workshop
C!I@W (Caution! Ideas @ Work)
Master classes by state-of-the-art professionals
Meet renowed authors and storytellers
Immerse yourself in an unique experience and have fun weaving stories and poems
What is Katha Utsav?
The Utsav is Katha’s flagship event in building skills of expression in children, whether they identify themselves as poets, authors, or storytellers. As our geographical boundaries disappear, children need to develop respect for our traditions while accepting different cultures. An important message that the Katha Utsav conveys is that children need to focus on self-improvement, and not an unhealthy competition, and hence the journey during the Utsav is always in the form of workshops, and knowledge sharing, and not on who emerged a winner. For us, every child is a winner, if only we could accommodate so many.
You can upload the pieces under the following category:
- Fiction: A genre of literature that involves imaginary events and characters.
- Non-Fiction: Prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people
- Poetry: A literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm.